Meta Therapy by Dermatude – 100% facelift alternative

What is Meta Therapy by Dermatude?

It is the new method for skin rejuvenation great for skin firming, pigmentation issues, skin hydration and more youthful appearance. The facial treatment can be performed on the entire face, neck, décolleté, or specific areas such as deep or fine lines, acne scarring or pigment marks.

What Meta Therapy by Dermatude can improve?

Video about Meta Therapy by Dermatude (click on the photo)

100% Safe, 100% Natural

The advanced digital device with precision hand piece and patented modules guarantee optimal results without risk of skin damage or scarring. For the best safety and hygiene, all modules are single use only and disposable. The safety membrane inside the modules prevent cross contamination.

Meta Therapy by Dermatude Photos Before and After

Meta Therapy by Dermatude Photos Before and After

Meta Therapy by Dermatude before and after photos around the chin

Meta Therapy by Dermatude before and after photos around the chin

Meta Therapy by Dermatude

Meta Therapy by Dermatude

What does Meta Therapy by Dermatude improves?

The facial course starts with one treatment per week for the first month. During this initial period, you will see significant improvement in the skin. The treatment frequency is then reduced to one treatment every two weeks for two months. If the desired result is achieved, a maintenance treatment is required every four to six weeks.


Can this treatment work also on deep wrinkles?

In addition to the overall improvement in the skin, it is possible to use the Dermatude treatment for wrinkles and fine lines. The skin under the wrinkle is activated and the connective tissue fills the wrinkle from the inside. Again, this is a 100% natural process and the skin itself fills wrinkle from within. There are no fillers injected or nerves of muscles blocked. The wrinkle treatments are in a course of four to five treatments carried out with an intermediate period of two weeks between each treatment.

Costing and Booking

Meta Therapy Face 60 minutes 120 euro

Meta Therapy Face + Neck/Decollate 75 minutes 177 euro

Meta Therapy Face + Wrinkle 75 minutes 150 euro

Meta Therapy Face + Neck/Decollate + Wrinkle 90 minutes 207 euro

Packages of 4 treatments- pre-pay and save!

Meta Therapy Face 60 minutes 460 euro

Meta Therapy Face + Neck/Decollate 75 minutes 680 euro

Meta Therapy Face + Wrinkle 75 minutes 580 euro

Meta Therapy Face + Neck/Decollate + Wrinkle 90 minutes 800 euro


Meta Therapy- Huidverbetering en huidverjonging

Vanaf het 25e levensjaar begint de huid de eerste kenmerken van huidveroudering te vertonen. De huid word dunner, de doorbloeding verslechterd en de natuurlijke aanmaak van collageen en elastine verminderd. Eerst zien we nog charmante lach rimpeltjes ontstaan maar al snel worden dit diepere rimpels. Dit gebeurd van binnenuit maar ook externe factoren, zoals UV-straling, stress en vrije radicalen spelen hierin een rol.

Meta Therapie van Dermatude heeft een dubbele werking in de strijd tegen huidveroudering die niet alleen de gevolgen maar ook de oorzaak aanpakt. Natuurlijke huidverbetering van binnenuit en het inbrengen van actieve werkstoffen van buitenaf.

Er worden pijnloos onzichtbare microperforaties in de huid gemaakt. Het herstel mechanisme van de huid treed hierdoor in werking en gaat collageen en elastine produceren. Deze zelf herstellende eigenschap van de huid is een puur natuurlijke vorm van huidvernieuwing.

De huid wordt steviger, krijgt meer elasticiteit, fijne lijntjes en rimpels vervagen zichtbaar, poriën worden fijner en de algehele conditie van de huid verbetert.


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